
The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to championand recognise the work of children in care councilsand care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – Peterborough children in care council were nominated for the ‘Campaign award’.


The Children in Care Council (ages 12 to 21 years) chose Mental Health as one of their key focuses for the year; the group wanted to use their learning and experiences around mental health to create a short film aimed at teenagers to
destigmatise mental health issues, improve services and signpost to available support. They have reached out to different professionals and attended meetings and events to deepen their understanding of issues affecting young people and services available, not just to children in care, but all children. After much research, discussion and activity, the group created a script and agreed together what the video should look like.


The group are making a difference both nationally and locally. They have worked alongside other youth organisations to campaign and raise awareness e.g. attending a panel discussion with politicians & London Assembly members. They are also involved in developing the Children & Young People’s Mental Health Strategy for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough advising on what they think it needs to focus on.