This short film, recorded in September 2022, is about the Bright Spots Programme pilot in Scotland, which began in January 2022.

First, we hear from Micky Anderson, Data Lead at CELCIS, who introduces the Bright Spots programme and discusses the Scottish pilot.

We then hear from people from two of the local authorities that participated in the Scottish pilot, Grace Fletcher, Service Manager for Family Support and Young People at East Ayrshire Council, and Andrew Dick, Social Work Manager for Corporate Parenting at Aberdeenshire Council, as they reflect on the process and learning so far.

Finally, we hear from Toby Wilson, Team Manager for the Voice and Participation Team at West Sussex County Council in England, who shares their experience of participating in the Bright Spots programme since 2018

Areas the speakers cover include:

+ What was the motivation behind getting involved in Bright Spots?

+ What positive impacts came from the work?

+ What were the challenges encountered, and how were they overcome?

+ What changes have been made since receiving the results of the surveys?

Find out more information about Bright Spots in Scotland here.