A National Voice and The Department for Education

The Department for Education (DfE) have contracted Coram Voice to work with policy officials to facilitate engagement sessions and focus groups with children and young people with lived experience of the care system over the next 12 months through A National Voice (ANV).

As well as these engagement sessions, Coram Voice have also created a number of activity packs, and visited regional local authorities to gather children and young people’s views on a number of topics.


Young People’s Feedback: Online engagement

We have compiled feedback from the online engagement sessions into separate reports. These reports are available to view here on our website. The reports look at a number of topics including mental health and wellbeing support, staying connected with family and friends, residential care experience, and more. Read more here.


Young People’s Feedback: Regional engagement

In 2023, Coram Voice and A National Voice visited regions to meet with groups of children in care and care leavers. They ran a number of face-to-face sessions discussing a variety of topics. Take a look at the feedback we have compiled from these sessions here.


Young People’s Feedback: Activity pack engagement

Coram Voice and A National Voice have also created activity packs for groups and individuals to do separately, on a number of topics. Take a look at the feedback we have compiled from these sessions here.


The Voice of Participation Workers

As part of the work looking at different areas of ‘Stable Homes, Built on Love’, A National Voice ran a session for participation workers who support participation and engagement within children‘s social care. This was a chance for these professionals to share what is working well and what the barriers to good participation and engagement are. Read more here.