A National Voice Awards – Terms and Conditions

1. These awards are organised by Coram Voice (Registered Charity No: 1046207), part of the group of charities of The Thomas Coram Foundation for Children, known today – and hereafter referred to – as ‘Coram’ (Registered Charity No: 312278)

2. Entry to the awards is open to (groups) participation projects (junior children in care councils, children in care councils, care leaver forums and other projects within children’s social care) for children in care and care leavers aged between 4 and 25 years old, who are looked after children or care leavers and who are full time residents of the England.

3. Entry will be in six categories:
• Campaign Award
• Participation Award
• Voice Award
• Community Award
• Collaboration Award
• Digital Award

4. Entrants must complete the nomination ‘how to enter’ smart survey form and can provide optional original poster or video (no more than 120 seconds) explaining why the project deserves to win the award. Entries must be completed before the awards closes on Tuesday 29 August 2023.

5. Entrants for group projects will be asked to provide a name of the project and a contact email address. They will be asked to complete 3 questions about the project. Posters or videos can be uploaded into the smart survey but can also be sent to ANV@coramvoice.org.uk should the upload function not work. All entries must be submitted in English and legible.

6. Entries for group projects (the posters or videos you send us) must be an original. As the submissions may be published it is important that these do not include any names or personal details of group members. If you are unclear about whether your submission contradicts these terms and conditions, please email ANV@coramvoice.org.uk

7. By sending in group project entry you give consent for us to share this online and on social media to showcase positive practice around participation.

8. Any photos or images shared in the entry must have permission to be used by the young people featured and an adult with parental responsibility if the child or young person is under 18.

9. For entrants under the age of 18, an adult will be required to approve the entry and agree to these Terms and Conditions (including Coram Voice’s use of the entry submitted) on behalf of the entrant/s. Submission of an entry will be treated as a confirmation of adult and child consent. The adult may be the child’s participation worker, parent, foster carer, guardian or, social worker. The adult must provide their own contact details (not the child’s) and the area in which the child lives. Adults who do not have parental responsibility may be contacted to confirm permission is granted by a person who has parental responsibility (usually this will be a parent or social worker)

10. The personal data provided will be used for the purposes of administering the awards and in accordance with Coram’s Data Protection Policy. Coram Voice will use the contact details provided by the entrant or adult to confirm eligibility of entrants and to provide updates.

11. Personal information will be stored until 31 April 2024. After this date, personal information will be deleted but submissions will be kept for as long as there is a business need. The submissions will be stored electronically by Coram Voice on the Resource Hub.

12. Limited information, which cannot be used to identify any individual (name, age, gender), but that entries which will include (name of group, region) may be used/shared by Coram Voice for purposes of increasing awareness and funds for Coram Voice and for publicising its services and the issues that young people are facing. This information can be used for fundraising, policy, marketing and public relations literature (e.g. newsletters sent to supporters, annual review, exhibitions in museums, Coram Voice website, social media, including Facebook and Twitter) as well as newspapers and magazines and for broadcast on television. These submissions will be stored electronically by Coram Voice.

13. Entry opens on Wednesday 1 August 2023 entry closes on Tuesday 29 August at midnight. Submissions received outside of this timeframe will not be considered.

14. Entrants can submit group project in 2 award categories only. If you submit an entry in more than 2 award categories, we will discount any submissions after the first 2 nominations. If you are unclear about whether your submission contradicts these terms and conditions, please email ANV@coramvoice.org.uk

15. Please inform us in your entry if there are any other factors we should consider when judging your submission – for example, if the young people involved have English as a second language, or a learning difficulty such as dyslexia. Judges will take this into account when making decisions.

16. Entries cannot be returned so please remember to keep a copy.

17. All entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party. Coram Voice accepts no responsibility if entrants ignore these Terms and Conditions. Entrants agree to indemnify Coram Voice against any claim by any third party from any breach of these Terms and Conditions.

18. Entries must not contain defamatory, offensive, or any other unsuitable material. Swear-words are not permitted. Entries must be suitable to be published or used online by Coram Voice. Any material that is not suitable to be publicised and enjoyed by audiences of all ages may have the relevant words/passages ‘asterisked-out’ for publication.

19. If any submission raises child safeguarding concerns or vulnerable adult safeguarding concerns, these will be reviewed in line with Coram’s Safeguarding Policy.

20. Entrants retain the copyright in their posters or videos but grant to Coram Voice a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to publish, broadcast (across all media) and share the online and on any other platforms yet to be envisaged.

21. The entrant agrees that Coram Voice may at its sole discretion adapt, abridge or translate the entry for the purposes listed above.

22. Entries will be judged on the following criteria:
• Idea – how children and young people decided what to work on
• Involvement – how have children and young people been involved in the project
• Impact – how has the projected impacted on individuals, group or wider care community

21. All entries will be read and judged by ANV Ambassadors who have experience of youth participation and who have experience in the care system. Please be aware that ANV Ambassadors are young people aged 16-25 and therefore you may wish to consider the language used in your submission.
22. There will one winner for group in each award category. There will also be 2nd and 3rd runner-up in each group award category.
23. All entrants will be invited to attend Amplify – A National Voice, Voices Networking Event on October 25 2023. Full names of the finalists and overall winners will be announced during this event. Unfortunately, Coram Voice is not able to meet any travel or accommodation costs associated with attending the event.
24. The judges’ decision is final

25. Coram Voice retains the right to disqualify any submissions that breach these Terms and Conditions.

26. Coram Voice reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions or cancel these awards at any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion, or if circumstances arise outside of its control.

27. Coram Voice cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for any technical failure or malfunction or any other problem with any server, Internet access, IT system or otherwise which may result in any entry being lost or not properly recorded. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt.

28. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England.