Specialist training on the rights of disabled young people in transition

Thanks to a £60,000 grant from the Masonic Charitable Foundation to Coram Voice we are able to assist colleagues across the advocacy and children’s rights sector by offering free spaces on our Transition planning: The rights of disabled young people and how to advocate for them training course on

Examples of our work

Here are a selection of case studies highlighting work completed by A National Voice and Coram Voice's Care-Experienced Consultants. To hear more about how we can support you with co-production and participation with children and young people, email us on ANV@coramvoice.org.uk   A Nati

Consultation on recommendations from the Independent Review of Social Care

We are today (19 August 2022) launching a consultation alongside National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) to hear from care experienced children and young people on some of the recommendations from the Independent Review of Social Care, including discussion around advocacy, Independent Visitors and ca

Response to “The Case for Change”

Yesterday (17 June 2021), “The Case for Change” was launched as part of The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care”, lead by Josh McAllister. The Review asks the core question of us all, what the purpose of children’s social care should be? We believe that the aim must be