A National Voice Awards 2023

03 Oct 23

A National Voice AwardsWe are excited to be hosting our second Amplify event on 25th October in London, along with our second round of A National Voice Awards.

This year, we received nominations from more local authorities, representing more of the country!  As we prepare for the event on the 25th of October, Coram Voice and A National Voice are currently shortlisting and judging all the amazing entries.


We are pleased to share the names of the groups nominated and the categories for which they are nominated:

Campaign Award

  • Children in Care Council Peterborough
  • Darlington Care Leavers
  • Hull Young Voices Influencing Care
  • The Care Leaver Group (Oldham)
  • Voices Making Choices (VMC) (Northumberland)

Participation Award

  • Action Speak (Worcestershire)
  • Cambridgeshire CiCC, Peterborough CiCC & Peterborough Care Leaders Group
  • Care 2 Listen (Reading)
  • Children in Care Council – Care Experienced (Torbay)
  • CiCC Bristol
  • East Sussex Children in Care Council
  • Joining Up, Joining in (Leicestershire Cares Charity)
  • MCYP (Medway Children and Young People Council)
  • SUSU Total Respect Team (Devon)
  • The Norfolk in Care Council
  • Unite Children in Care Council and Insight Care Experienced Forum BCP Council (Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole)
  • Who Cares We Care (Worcestershire)
  • York’s Children in Care council and Care Leavers Forum
  • Young Inspectors Peterborough

The Voice Award

  • Care4me – Children in Care Council, North Tyneside
  • Children in Care Council Peterborough
  • Lincc (living in care council) and CFCL Change for Care Leavers (Bromley)
  • Norfolk in Care Council/ Change Maker Forum
  • Our MCYPC (Medway Children and Young Person Council)
  • Promise Ambassadors 2023 (Cumbria)
  • Skittlz (Barking and Dagenham)
  • SUSU Council – Takeover Day (Devon)

The Community Award

  • Click Together (Wandsworth)
  • Young Inspectors Peterborough

The Collaboration Award

  • MCYP (Medway Children and Young People Council)
  • North East Regional Children in Care Council
  • Pass the Parcel (Devon)
  • Refugee and Asylum Seeking Young People of Hull (Supported by RAST- The Refugee and Asylum Seeker Team)
  • Somerset in Care (SiCC) and Somerset Leaving Care (SLCC) Councils

The Digital Award

  • Cambridgeshire CiCC, Peterborough CiCC & Peterborough Care Leaders Group
  • Click (Wandsworth)
  • EaCES (UK)
  • Greenwich Children in Care Council
  • Hull Young Voices Influencing Care (YVIC)
  • Peterborough Children in Care Council
  • Somerset in Care (SiCC) and Somerset Leaving Care (SLCC) Councils

Shortlisting will conclude by October 6th. Shortlisted groups will be invited to attend The A National Voice Awards at Amplify 2023.

Shortlisted groups will also be contacted to invite them to share their work at the event if they would like to.

A National Voice Ambassadors participate House of Lords round table

25 May 23

Last month our A National Voice Ambassadors were pleased to participate in a round table for the House of Lords Public Services Committee’s inquiry into the Children’s Social Care Implementation Strategy

The session informed the House of Lords response to the Children’s Social Care Implementation Strategy

The final report highlighted young people’s comments on diversity, suitability of kinship carers, separation from siblings, carers ability to deal with trauma, the needs of individual children and the importance of personalised care informed by listening to the child.

The full report can be viewed here.

A summary of the session and young people’s feedback can be found in Appendix 3.

Stable homes consultation response

17 May 23

Coram Voice is committed to getting young voices heard in the decisions that matter to them, as part of that, we last week sent in our response to Stable Homes, Built on Love and the Children’s social care national framework and dashboard.

In our response we set out care experienced young people’s views on the strategy and what we think needs to happen to embed youth voice in the system.

In addition to responding to  the online consultation questions we produced two reports pulling together our feedback.

Feedback from ANV Ambassadors to the ambitions and missions

A National Voice (ANV) is the ‘National Children in Care Council’ for children in care and care leavers aged 11-26, every year a group of care experienced young people aged 16-25 are recruited from across the country to be our ANV Ambassadors and guide the work of the ANV.

Our Ambassadors have participated in a range of activities to inform the Government strategy, including sessions with representatives from the Department for Education working on the strategy.

There’s so many things that need to change around the foster care system. It is so important that the government, the people who have the power to make a difference, take some time to listen to children and young people who have experienced being in the care system. To them, this is just a job, but this is our lives.

(Chloe, ANV Ambassador and Chair of ANV)

This paper summarises what two groups of ANV Ambassadors spoke about on two separate occasions, February and April 2023, about Stable Homes, Built on Love.

(A summary of these views were included in Coram Voice response to the consultation)

How we believe the Department can work to Embed Youth Voice in the Children’s Social Care System

There is a commitment to the principle of youth voice throughout the Stable Homes, Built with Love strategy and National Framework, but not enough is said about how to make this promise a reality.

This paper highlights what our extensive experience of engaging care experienced children and young people has taught us about what needs to be in place for decision makers in children’s social care (and government) to hear and act on the voices of children and young people and what that may mean for an outcomes framework.

We need to move beyond principles to think about how youth voice can practically be embedded at all levels of decision making – individual (child’s own care), organisational (local authority and partners) and system (National Government).

In this paper we set out specific actions that should be taken to realise youth voice, in particular we make three key recommendations to inform the government’s implementation strategy and national framework:

1. Create a new mission to embed youth voice by putting in place the structures and systems to make the right to be heard a reality for all children and young people.

2. Focus more on making life better for children and young people by making well-being, as defined by children and young people themselves, a key pillar for children’s social care.

3. Support children and young people to be heard and safeguard their rights by giving them the information about their rights and providing opt out independent advocacy for all children and young people throughout and beyond the care system (including in child protection, kinship care, care leavers etc.)


Become an ANV Ambassador for 2023-2024

30 Nov 22

We are looking for a new group of ambassadors for 2023-24 to drive the work of A National Voice by using the results from a national survey which all children in care and care leavers will have had the opportunity to participate in. Ambassadors will start their year with training and skills to prepare for their role and plan their campaign.

If this sounds like an opportunity for you, please complete the application form telling us why you would be a good ambassador. Alternately, you send in a voice recording or video clip answering the same question.

Successful applicants will be asked to attend a short interview to meet the team and talk more about the role.


What is a A National Voice ambassador?

Key to A National Voice is the ‘A National Voice Ambassadors Group’, which is a core group of young people aged 16-25 recruited annually from across the country, to represent each region and bridge the gap between local and national work. The A National Voice ambassador group meet on a once monthly basis.

We are looking for a new group of ambassadors for 2023-24 to drive the work of A National Voice. Ambassadors will start their year with training and skills to prepare for their role and plan the topics of focus for the year.

If this sounds like an opportunity for you, please complete the application form telling us why you would be a good ambassador. Alternately, you will find an email link at the end of the survey to upload a voice or video recording answering the same question. You can also send in a poster creation answering the same questions.

Successful applicants will be asked to attend a short interview to meet the team and talk more about the role.

How often do ANV meet?

A National Voice meet regularly once a month, in the last year this has been during a Saturday lunch time. Meetings take place virtually over Zoom.

You will be…

  • A care experienced young person living in England aged 16-25
  • Passionate about changing things for care experienced young people
  • Able to commit to being an ambassador and attend the regular once monthly meetings for the year 2023-24
  • Prepared to attend additional evening and weekend sessions when required
  • Motivated, innovative, creative, strategic, and looking to take on a new challenge
  • Willing to be involved in videos for social media during events like National Care leaver week
  • Willing to be a spokesperson for your region
  • Able to network children in care councils and other such groups
  • Willing to get involved – you don’t need to be an expert or to have done anything like this before!

Photo Gallery from Amplify 2022

28 Oct 22

On 25th October 2022 we held our A National Voice ‘Amplify event’ in Manchester, celebrating the amazing work done by children in care councils and care leaver forums

We took these pictures from the day – please feel free to download and use in your own communications about the event. Thanks to everyone who came along and got involved!