Privacy Statement for the Bright Spots survey

Coram Voice is part of the Coram Group of charities

What is a Privacy Statement?

This is a privacy statement, it is about the information we collect about you.  We have to have this by law (General Data Protection Regulation. May 2018) so you know what we do with information we have about you.

We are only able to keep information about you when you know:

  • Exactly who is keeping your information and data
  • Why we are keeping your information
  • What reasons we have for keeping your information
  • The types of personal information we will keep
  • Where your personal data has come from
  • Who we might share information with and why
  • How long we will keep your information
  • What your rights are for example- if you want to see your records
  • What if I think the information you have about me is wrong?
  • How you can stop us from having your information
  • How you can make a complaint

We can only keep information that is relevant to our work with you.  These are called records.  Records have to be accurate, up to date, secure and kept for a limited amount of time only.  You might ask us:

What information do we collect from you?

In our surveys we ask you for information about your age, gender and ethnicity, what type of placement you live in, how long you’ve been in care. We do different surveys for each local authority so we will also know which local authority is responsible for you care. We also ask about being in care and how you feel.

We do not ask you for any personal information like your name or address, so we cannot tell who said what from the responses. When we look at your answers we will also remove any comments that could help someone guess who you are, for example if you wrote your carer’s or social worker’s name.

Why do you keep this information?

We keep the answers you have given so that we can report on what children and young people in and from care think about their lives and how this changes over time.

Who might we share this information with?

We employ or contract specialist researchers who look at the data and prepare reports. These researchers and the Bright Spots team are the only people who will have access to the data as we receive it.

Once a survey has finished we write reports that put together all the responses in a particular local authority, which are shared with staff and young people in your area. We also write reports that bring together what children and young people said across the country which are published for anyone to read. It will not be possible to know who said what in these reports.

We will not normally share any individual responses with the local authorities we work with before they have been anonymised. However, if you tell us something that suggests you or someone else is at serious risk of harm, then we may have to tell someone to keep you or them safe.

Who is keeping my information and data?

Coram Voice record your information on a system which is safe and secure.  The organisation is Coram Voice, QEII Centre, Coram Campus, 41 Brunswick Square, London, WC1N 1AZ, 020 7833 5792.

Coram Voice is part of the Coram group of charities.  For Coram Voice services, electronic records are saved on a secure database that is available to Coram Voice and Coram staff on a need to know basis.  This means no one who will look at your information who does not need to.

Any paper records we have are kept in locked cabinets.

How long will you keep my information?

Any information that could identify you will be removed from the survey data that we keep within 6 months of the surveys closing. However, in most cases there will not be anything that we need to remove and it is not be possible to know who said what in the data that we collect, because we do not ask for things like your name or address details that could help us identify you.

All our staff has been trained and follow confidentiality policy where your rights to confidentiality are respected and protected.

What are my rights over my information?

To keep information about you we have to have a legal reason for doing this. Because this is research carried out by a charity for the local authority that looks after you these are ‘legitimate interests’ and ‘contractual obligation’ and ‘historical, statistical or scientific purposes’.

Can I see my records, change them or stop you keeping my information?

As we cannot tell from the answers that you give to the survey which answers are yours we will not be able to give you your personal information or change it.

If you have any questions about this contact or contact Bright Spots Team, Coram Voice, QEII Centre, Coram Campus, 41 Brunswick Square, London, WC1N 1AZ, 020 7833 5792.

How can I make a complaint?

If you are unhappy with how we are using the information we have about you please speak to the Bright Spots team to see if they can sort it out. You can also make a complaint.

You can complain to: The data controller Coram Voice, QEII Centre, Coram Campus, 41 Brunswick Square, London, WC1N 1AZ, 020 7833 5792.

If you are not happy then you can also complain to:

The Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Help line:  0303 123 1113

This notice was last updated on 23/05/2018