10,000 voices webinar: Looked after children and young people’s views on their well-being

A green icon showing a worker in conversation with their young person
A green icon showing a worker in conversation with their young person

In this presentation survey data from 10,000 children and young people (age 4-18yrs) will be used to consider the indicators associated with low and very high well-being with a particular focus on two indicators:

    • Having a trusted adult to rely on.
    • Feelings about appearance.

What Makes Life Good, Care leavers’ Views on their Well-being’

Briheim-Crookall, L. et al (2020) What Makes Life Good, Care leavers’ Views on their Well-being’, Coram Voice & the Rees Centre, University of Oxford

‘What Makes Life Good, Care leavers’ Views on their Well-being’, report is the first of its kind in examining the well being of care leavers from their perspective and enabling comparisons across local authorities by analysing 1,804 care leaver  responses collected between 2017 and 2019 and shows significant differences in the experience of care leavers between local authorities in England.

What Makes Life Good, Care leavers’ Views on their Well-being’

Read the full Report

What Makes Life Good, Care leavers’ Views on their Well-being’

Read the Summary Report

What Makes Life Good, Care leavers’ Views on their Well-being’

Read the two page summary

Download the full report

Download the summary report

Download the two part summary

Evaluation of Bright Spots programme

The Subjective Well-Being of Children and Young People in out of Home Care

Mary F. Zhang and Julie Selwyn

Child Indicators Research (2020)

In contrast to the burgeoning research on the subjective well-being (SWB) of children in the general population, the SWB of children and young people in out of home care (OHC) has received far less research and policy attention.

To ensure that policy and practice interventions can effectively improve the lives of children and young people in OHC, there is an urgent need for reliable and valid measures of their SWB. The current study begins to address this knowledge gap, providing an in-depth examination of the psychometric properties of the “Your Life, Your Care” survey. The reliability and validity of the survey questions were examined using classic test theory, item response theory, confirmatory factor analysis and logistic regression.

Analysing data from 1221 participants aged 11–18 years, we found that all the survey questions were a reliable and valid measure of SWB except for questions on feelings about family contact and bullying. More importantly, the results indicated that SWB of children and young people in OHC was a multi-dimensional construct that can be operationally defined and measured as feeling good and functioning effectively at both individual and interpersonal levels. The theoretical, methodological and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

Our Lives Beyond Care: Care leavers’ views on their well-being in 2018

Dr. Claire Baker, Linda Briheim-Crookall, Levana Magnus and Professor Julie Selwyn

This snapshot gives a much needed insight into how care leavers really feel about their lives. It is based on a large survey of care leavers’ views on their well-being and pulls together what 474 care leavers from 6 English local authorities told us through the Your Life Beyond Care survey in 2017/18. The report is the first analysis of care leavers views of the Bright Spots Your Life Beyond Care well-being indicators.


Findings for children in care are published in ‘ Our LIves, Our Care – Bright Spots Snapshot 2018:




Our Lives Beyond Care: care leavers views on their well-being in 2018 (Bright Spots Snapshot)

Download the Snapshot