
The Children in Care Council Care Leavers’ Group were asked – ‘Are we valuing care?’. Young people responded they felt the opposite – that society labels and judges young people leaving care, harming their chances in later life.


Participation Team colleagues worked with the Care Leavers’ Group to create a campaign page which was launched during National Care Leavers Week.

The Project Positive website includes:

+ Positive quotes and advice from children in care and care leavers (aimed at children in care)

+ A section aimed at employers: ‘Why you should employ a care leaver’

Project Positive pledge 2

+ ‘CV of a care leaver’ highlighting skills and qualities young people have developed through the experience of being in care

+ Call to pledge: what are you doing to challenge stigma for care leavers?

+ The Guardian newspaper picked up the story and featured an article about the project, and Marion Ingram (Operations Director) wrote an essay about Project Positive that was featured in a collection of essays about valuing children in care.

+ The Care Leavers’ Group attended a council meeting to challenge councillors to think before reinforcing stereotypes.


The project has been successful in raising the aspirations of children in care and reducing stigma experienced by care leavers.