
Dorset recognised that a number of their care leavers did not feel safe where they lived. They have developed a number of services to help address this. Young people have supported this work.


+ Increase the number of staying put arrangements and encouraging young people to remain in supported lodgings post 18

+ Implemented the rent guarantor scheme https://www.maryannehodd.co.uk/

+ Working with private landlords and Housing Association so young people are properly supported when they first move into their own accommodation

+ Developed a quick response service to support young people with difficulties so they can remain in their accommodation and don’t have to keep moving.

+ Increasing the number of one bedroom accommodation available to care leavers, especially in the Weymouth area


It is early days in the work and impact will take time to be felt, but Dorset continue to keep this issue on the agenda and continue to work on making sure they have a range of safe accommodation options for their young people.