Hear from Hertfordshire colleagues about the development of Our Exciting Life Changing Plan, and the interesting conversations it inspired. This video is an extract from a webinar called How can Bright Spots unlock ‘Stable Homes, Built on love’? that originally took place in June 2023.


The Corporate Parenting Strategy was produced following a series of conversations with their children and young people who are the experts as well as their families and carers.

  • The new corporate parenting strategy is structured by the domains the children selected – the focus is now on what children feel makes a difference to their well being – the outcomes have been re-shaped to measure these differences.
  • Young people were asked what terminology they wanted to see in the strategy– they voted for ‘family time’ or ‘time with family’ instead of ‘contact’ and for ‘meetings with young people rather than CLA reviews
  • They used the survey results to measure real outcomes for their children and young people rather than key performance indicators-(See opposite) 

‘The local authority’s corporate and political leaders prioritise the needs of children. They take their corporate parenting responsibilities very seriously and champion children’s services across the council and with partner agencies. Leaders are ambitious for Hertfordshire’s children.’ (Ofsted inspection)