
The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – Cumbria’s Children in Care Council were nominated for the ‘Voice award’.


‘Our Promise’ is a pledge to children in care in Cumbria – it is a list of promises made by the council. The Children in Care council redesigned ‘Our Promise’ so that it is the best it can be – to make sure everyone knows what children in care want & need. They made sure the focus was on what children said mattered to them & what they want from their social workers and carers.

  • We are beautiful and wonderful as we are, we are not here to be moulded into your version of us. Our Promise recognises this and see us as unique individuals.
  • We grow physically and mentally when we feel safe and loved. It gives us the power to tell you who we are. Remember Our Promise gives us a safe space, trust and time to do this.
  • Our Promise celebrates our differences, provide us with praise in words and actions, to help us build our mind body and soul. Our voices are the most important please don’t let us lose ours.
  • Our Promise never ever gives up on us.

The work was praised in the ANV awards with young people judges saying “This is a really good video. I liked that it’s clearly influenced by young people.”


Children want ‘Our Promise’ to encourage and help workers to listen to children better and accurately record their views and reflect on the words they use and the impact these can have. As well as the film, they have created a series of posters – the work has been incorporated into council training for staff.