
Devon have taken part in the Bright Spots Programme for a number of years. They wanted to make sure they were actively using the findings from the survey(s) in their support and services & that what they do is focused on what is important to their children.


The Local Authority worked together with young people to create a list of commitments for all children and young people in care in Devon. There are five key areas:

1. Inform Me

2. Involve Me

3. Celebrate Me

4. Respect Me

5. Support Me

Lots of the things in the Promise link closely to the Bright Spots well-being indicators e.g. helping children understand why they are in care; making sure children have someone they can trust; supporting children to make and maintain friendships – all things which children in care say makes life good.

Everyone in the local authority should know about the Promise, including children who are encouraged to let their carer or worker know when they feel commitments are not being kept.


The Promise can be found here on the Devon’s children in care council’s – Stand up Speak up – website. ren in care website  and all workers and carers have been told about it. There was a one year review to check how it was going.