
The ANV AMPLIFY awards aim to champion and recognise the work of children in
care councils and care leaver forums. They were held in October 2022 (Amplify – Coram Voice) – Peterborough and Cambridgeshire Young Inspectors programme were nominated for the ‘Participation award’.


Eight young inspectors inspected four supervised contact centres and made more than fifty recommendations to the services on things such as accessibility, furniture, resources & storage. They also recommended the centre were redecorated and paintings put up to brighten the rooms.

The work won the ANV award with people judges saying, “It is a fab idea to make family time more special. Fab they did so many paintings on their own! It’s a really good and thoughtful project and piece of work well done. It is clear they know what participation means, congratulations to the young inspectors.”


This nomination won the Participation award at the 2022 ANV awards. The Young Inspectors report was presented to councillors at the Corporate parenting committee – actions so far include: removing old signs, clearing gardens, decoration and new furniture ordered. Young inspectors organised an art day & created 40 pieces of work to hang in the centres with plans to create a mural wall in partnership with local artists. Young people enjoyed the work and felt their confidence grow as a result.