
+ Hull took part in the Bright Spots programme in 2021. In total over 400 children and care leavers took part & shared how they were feeling. Whilst most reported they had a really good friend, some did not.

+ About a fifth (22%) of young people felt they did not get the chance to do similar things to their friends. Friends were described as really important in children and young people’s lives e.g. for care leavers their friends were the top source of emotional support but almost 1 in 5 (17%) care leavers from Hull did not have a good friend. Care leavers with low overall well-being were statistically more likely to report not having a good friend.


In response to their survey findings Hull have developed a 1.5 hour session for workers across the services to listen to and respond to the Bright Spots findings. Alongside learning more about how children are feeling, a big focus is to create space for workers to reflect on how the findings make them feel. Each worker is asked to make a pledge of things they can do in response to the findings. 

Seven events have been run and over 450 practitioners have taken part. 

In the initial phase Hull are focusing on 5 areas. One of the themes is: supporting friendships. Examples of Hull’s actions to support children in care include making sure IROs prioritise asking children about this.

Following the sessions posters have been created and are displayed in offices (next to tea & coffee area). The A3 posters focus on ‘you said’ and ‘we will do’. 

Hull continues to develop lots of opportunities to have fun and get together. For example, for care leavers, there are lots of activities through ‘Rm42’ to meet each other and make friendships. Recent things include: rock climbing; DJ Skills & a trip to Go Ape. There is also the Care to Dream football team sessions which includes a mix of football games and some Badminton. The session usually finishes in the Youth Zone with some Table Tennis and a game of pool.


Hull have disseminated the findings across their services in teammeetings and events. They have created a ‘words and pictures film’ which includes messages from social workers about what they are going to do in response to Bright Spots findings. The film has been shown to the children in care council and a letter sent to all children in care to tell them about next steps after the Bright Spots findings.​​

Hull are committed to continue to create lots of different opportunities for children in care and care leavers to make and maintain friendships.