Now Open – A National Voices Awards 2024

01 Aug 24

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 A National Voice Awards.

The A National Voice Awards champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums in England. We are excited to be hosting the third awards this October. The date for the Amplify event is yet to be announced – watch this space!

Nomination Criteria

The A National Voice Awards are open to children in care councils and participation projects – junior children in care councils, children in care councils, care leaver forums and other projects within children’s social care in England. Awards are for children in care and care leavers aged between 4 and 25 years old, who are looked after children or care leavers and who are full time residents of England.

Read the full terms and conditions here before submitting your entry (PDF).


Nomination Categories:

  • Campaign Award

This category might include groups that have been involved in creating or partaking in a meaningful campaign.

  • Participation Award

This category might include groups that have been actively involved in participation within their local authority.

  • The Voice Award

This category might include groups that have shared their story in order to improve the care system.

  • The Collaboration Award

This category might include groups that have worked together with other groups, local authorities, regions etc. on shared interests and topics.

  • The Digital Award

This category might include groups that have worked on or created a resource using digital means I.E. videos, social media campaigns, webpages and more. In addition, creating spaces for groups to come together.

Nominate now!

Entries close on the 20 September.

Need some inspiration? Check out our Bright Spots Resource Bank to find lots of amazing practice examples!

Could you help shape the future of services for children in care and care leavers?

30 Jul 24

Are you a care-experienced young person aged 16-25? We’re inviting you to be a part of the Coram Voice Youth Advisory Board, a unique opportunity to influence and shape the future of services for children in care and care leavers.

Coram Voice is dedicated to ensuring that the voices of children in care and care leavers are heard in decisions that impact their lives. Through our advocacy, independent visitor programs, and national initiatives like the Bright Spots Programme and Voices writing competition, we work tirelessly to uphold the rights and amplify the voices of care-experienced young people.

As a member of the Youth Advisory Board, you’ll help guide Coram Voice’s strategic direction, ensuring our services align with the needs of children and young people in care.

This is more than just a role – it’s a chance to gain valuable skills, connect with other passionate individuals, and have a direct impact on the work we do. You’ll meet four times a year, engage in training, and have the opportunity to contribute to various projects, including social media.

We are looking for young people who are passionate about making a difference and committed to being a part of the Youth Advisory Board for 18-month. Meetings will be held online with some in-person sessions at Coram’s campus in London. No previous involvement with Coram Voice is necessary.

If you’re ready to use your experience to help others and influence real change, apply now! Find out more and submit your application by September 6, 2024.

If you have any questions, reach out to Emma Hosking on 07469141033 or Join us and be the voice that shapes the future for care-experienced children and young people.

Coram Voice endorses new Children’s Right’s Charter

17 Jul 24

We are proud to share that Coram Voice has endorsed the Children’s Rights Charter by the Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE).

With a new government in place, we have a unique opportunity to renew efforts to protect children’s rights. It is a pleasure to stand alongside almost 90 organisations in supporting this Charter and calling for children’s rights to be protected and prioritised by policymakers.

Last year, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child examined how well the UK was respecting children’s rights. It highlighted a wide range of issues that are detrimentally impacting children including the high numbers of children living in poverty, long waiting lists for children seeking mental health services and the high prevalence of domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, and other forms of violence against children. It also shone a light on how the rights of some of the most vulnerable children, including children seeking asylum, children in care and those in contact with the criminal justice system, are not being respected.

The Charter calls on the new UK Government to prioritise children’s rights by:

  • implementing a comprehensive children’s rights strategy
  • establishing a dedicated Cabinet Minister for Children
  • increasing budget allocations for children’s services
  • ensuring statutory obligations for Child Rights Impact Assessments
  • developing a strategy for increasing awareness, knowledge and understanding of children’s right
  • and incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into domestic law

Read the Children’s Right’s Charter.

A National Voice is 25!

24 Jun 24

A National Voice (ANV) is proud to celebrate its 25th anniversary today, marking a quarter of a century of care-experienced children and young people working to improve the care system in England.

ANV was officially launched as the National Children in Care Council for England at the House of Commons on 24 June 1999, by Lord Hunt, the then Undersecretary of State for Health. It grew out of the vital work of the National Association of Young People in Care, the first national organisation to be run for and by young people in care.

Speaking at the launch, the Undersecretary of State for Health said, “A National Voice exists as a care-experienced, young person-led organization to make a positive change for children and young people in and leaving care.”

ANV’s initial mission was to gather young people’s views on the government’s consultative proposal ‘Me, Survive Out There?’ which aimed to reform the law for young people leaving care post-16. This process culminated in a national conference attended by over one hundred care experienced young people, highlighting critical issues such as:

  • Premature exit from care: “Local authorities should not pressure, or quietly encourage, young people to leave at 16, getting them off the books to free up places.”
  • Systemic Support: ANV advocated for “a system that conveys hope, ambition, and confidence in [young people]; budget limitations should not limit [young people’s] choices and opportunities, including support for further and higher education or getting a job; better, nationally consistent financial support.”
  • Stable Placements: ANV addressed the issue of young people “being moved from place to place” and not being able to put roots down. Young people also wanted “suitcases not black bags” to move. They were also very angry that ‘sleepovers’ at their friends’ homes were subject to police checks, especially when their school friends who were not in care didn’t have to go through this process.

These issues were written up in a report which were then sent to Government for consultation.

ANV became part of Coram Voice in 2017 and has continued to work to shape policy that impacts the lives of care-experienced children and young. This year ANV launched The Grand Campaign, looking into inequities in Care Leaver’s Grants across the UK.

Brigid Robinson MBE, Managing Director, Coram Voice says, “To improve the care system it is vital that we listen to and act on what care-experienced children and young people tell us. A National Voice provides a clear way to do this, both at a local and national level,  and Coram Voice are honoured to host them.”

As we celebrate this 25-year journey, we remain dedicated to empowering the voices of children and young people in care, providing them with the skills and support to make real change, now and in the future.

– Find out more about ANV’s current and recent campaigns

A National Voice launches The Grand Campaign to ensure all care leavers receive full support

14 Mar 24

A National Voice, the National Children in Care Council, has launched a new campaign to ensure all care leavers in England receive the full support they are entitled to.

When children and young people leave care, they are entitled to support from their local authority with the costs of setting up their new home – this is sometimes called the Setting Up Home Allowance or a Leaving Care Grant.

This makes sure they can get all the things you need (like furniture, kitchen goods and things for cooking and cleaning) to make their home safe, stable and secure.

On 1 April 2023, the Government announced an increase for the minimum recommended amount from £2,000 to £3,000 for all care leavers in England. This was great news for young people struggling to afford vital everyday items.

However, A National Voice has heard from many care leavers that not all authorities have increased the grants they are awarding.

That’s why A National Voice is launching The Grand Campaign – so that all care leavers receive the full support they’re entitled to.

A National Voice is calling for:

  • all local authorities in England to offer all care leavers up to 25 their full £3,000 allowance
  • all local authorities to provide clear and consistent guidelines to care leavers’ entitlements
  • an end to the postcode lottery, where young people in some areas receive more than in others

As part of its The Grand Campaign, A National Voice, is sending a Freedom of Information request to all local authorities in England, so that it can get a full and accurate picture of what support is available and where.

Over the coming months, A National Voice will be calling on the care-experienced community, the professionals who work with them, and the wider public to get involved and help the spread the word so no one misses out on the support they are entitled to.

Find out more about how you can get involved in The Grand Campaign.