
Hull wanted to make sure what matters to children and young people and the things that influence their well-being was at the centre of the work they do at both a practice and policy level. 


Hull have rewritten their practice standards – these now incorporate the Bright Spots findings. You can read the practice standards here.

The new Corporate parenting strategy (2022-2024) has also been structured using the Bright Spots well-being domains and is based on Hull’s Bright Spots findings. The refresh of the strategy is based on extensive consultation with the people who matter most – children are young people (231 children looked after and 151 care leavers via the right spots programme) – the findings told Hull what they need to focus on to improve their lives and experiences and the strategy describes what Hull are doing as a result of the feedback and what they plan to do next.  You can read the corporate parenting strategy here (scroll to end of page)

YVIC (Young Voices Influencing Care) have created a sculpture based on ‘what makes life good’ – the artwork was unveiled by the Hull Chief Executive and is placed in the Guildhall as a reminder of children’s voice


Hull are committed to creating lots more different opportunities for children in care and care leavers to share how they are feeling and to influence practice and policy.

Hull's Corporate Parenting Strategy 2022-24