Coram Voice to provide advocacy and Independent Visitor Services for Manchester

09 Nov 21

Coram Voice are delighted to announce that we will be the new providers for Manchester City Councils Children’s Rights on Independent Advocacy and Independent Visitor services from 1 November 2021.

This will include providing independent advocacy support for Manchester Children and Young People who are in care or Care Leavers, to ensure that they are actively contributing to the development and implementation of their plans. Advocates will ensure that young people’s wishes, feelings and lived experience are taken into account when decisions are being taken about their lives.

As part of our independent Visitor services we will support through a team of volunteers from the community, who will visit, advise and befriend Manchester Children and Young people who are in care.

We are looking forward to working together with children, young people and professionals in Manchester as we deliver this vital service.

Get in contact


Young people, and others wanting to refer them for the Manchester advocacy service, can contact the Coram Voice helpline service to ask for an advocate:

  • Freephone: 0808 800 5792

This number is free to phone and does not show up on telephone bills.

  • WhatsApp: +44 (0)7758 670369  

If you are aged 16 or over, add us to your contacts and send us a message free with WiFi.

Email us and we will get back to you within 24 hours

Our Helpline service operates Monday to Friday 9.30am–6pm and Saturday 10am–4pm. (Outside these times we operate an out of hours service for urgent issues.) If English is not the young person’s first language, our Helpline will get an interpreter to join the call.

Independent Visitor Service

Social Workers can refer children to the Independent visitor  service by contacting our Manchester team:


ANV Response to the Care Review Published

28 Oct 21

Today (28 October 2021) we have released our A National Voice (ANV) response to The Case for Change report published by the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care.

We heard from over 300 care experienced children and young people. They have highlighted an end to the unfair “postcode lottery” which, sees young people receive varying levels of support not only across the country, but sometimes within the same local authority and the negative impact of “cliff edges”, following the sudden withdrawal of support that leaves many care leavers struggling to cope both emotionally and financially, as key issues.


In March 2021, the independent review of social care announced it would work with ANV to enable care experienced children and young people across the country have their say on what needs to change. To gauge responses to The Case for Change report, ANV Ambassadors, created workshop packs for Children in Care Councils across the country, supporting them to run sessions locally. ANV received feedback from a diverse mix of 309 children and young people across 31 local authorities with extensive geographical coverage across England. The respondents also represented a broad range in terms of age, gender, ethnicity and Special Educational Needs status.

The report, finds that care often felt like a lottery to children and young people, with good support dependent on being lucky enough to live in the right area. In one case, twin sisters, who were taken into care separately within the same local authority, reported vastly different experiences, with one twin staying in five placements over the course of her time in care while the other twin had lived in 49 different placements over the same period. The level of financial support also varied with one twin receiving a £1,000 leaving care grant while the other was given £2,000.

Young people reported that “cliff edges” had not only put them in a precarious financial position but also left them feeling disregarded and ill-equipped to move on to independent living. One young person said: “Being in care was life-changing. Every aspect of my life is still affected by it. I don’t think there is enough time to process all the trauma before you leave care and all the stress and headaches come back.”


Children and young people also reported feelings of loneliness, struggling with their mental health and the difficulties they face in accessing mental health services. They believed that social workers and other professionals should have more training to recognise and understand trauma and the impact it has on young people’s lives. One young person said: “It can be lonely during the harder times, like significant changes, like when you’re first put into foster care. You have just left your family and moving into a place with people you don’t know.”


Young people also felt that they would benefit from a more integrated service and that care-experienced young people should automatically receive counselling and other mental health services. The responses also highlighted the need for early mental health intervention before issues escalate, as one young person put it: “Should be able to access a therapist not just when thinking about self-harm.”

The need for better practical and financial support to prepare young people for independence was also highlighted. Many noted the importance of gaining experience earlier in cooking, budgeting and other household skills in the run up to independent living to soften the transition. Young people also wanted better and clearer financial packages and called for local authorities to reduce the costs they faced in areas such as travel, council tax and housing.

Responses collated also showed that children and young people wanted fewer changes in social workers, to feel listened to and participate more in decision making, and time with their birth families. They reported that they felt good care was where you felt safe, supported and had fun. One young person said: “A home is where you feel safe, it’s homely, comfortable, and decorated nice, you feel part of the family, you’re listened to and you have your own space.”

Linda Briheim-Crookall, Head of Policy and Practice Development at Coram Voice, said: “I would like to thank the hundreds of children and young people from all over England who have told us very clearly about the changes they would like to see.

“They want to be treated fairly and this means an end to the postcode lottery and abrupt cliff edges that put their wellbeing and financial stability at risk. There is a need for better and more consistent practice across the country and professionals who are trained to fully understand the emotional and financial issues that young people are facing.

“Services need to be well resourced and designed with young people in mind if we are serious about transforming children’s experience of care for the better and preparing them to succeed in life. It’s so important as the care review progresses, that children and young people’s voices, views and experiences are at the heart of change.”

Josh MacAlister, Chair of the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care, said: “It’s fantastic to see the work of the A National Voice ambassadors come together with this report.

“It echoes what we have found across all of our engagement so far – care experienced young people are able to bring a unique and valuable perspective and have lots of ideas about how to make a positive difference.

“Some really important issues have been highlighted and we will be carefully analysing the feedback to help us develop the best possible set of recommendations. I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this important piece of work for sharing your insight so generously.”

Read the full report

Read the summary


Care Leavers Week 2021

25 Oct 21

Today (25 October 2021) marks the start of Care Leavers Week 2021.

We want to use this week as a celebration of all care leavers around the country. We also want to highlight our resources and services that we offer to care leavers and demonstrate the ways in which we can support care leavers to get their voices heard on things that are important to them.

Coram Voice Managing Director Brigid Robinson said; “We want to wish everyone a great Care Leavers Week 2021. This year, as an organisation, we want to this week to really celebrate all care leavers.

“At Coram Voice we will continue to work to ensure that young care leaver’s voices rights are upheld and their voices are heard, so that all care leavers feel safe and supported.

“We look forward to sharing all our content and hope to hear from many care leavers throughout the week.”

Throughout the week across our platforms, we will be holding social media quizzes, sharing stories and videos from care leavers and highlighting useful information and guides.

On Thursday we will also be releasing our findings from the A National Voice workshops around the response for  ‘A Case for Change’ in relation to The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care.

Please do get involved and follow us on social media for great content throughout the week.














Vote for the theme for Voices 2022

18 Oct 21

With Voices 2021 now over, we are keen to know what theme you would like to see for Voices 2022.

We have spoken to past winners for their thoughts on next years theme and we have drawn up a shortlist of:

  • This is me!
  • Journeys
  • My Happy Place
  • Who Makes Me Smile

You can get involved and get your opinion heard by voting in the smart survey:

Voices is the only creative writing competition for children and young people in care and care leavers in the UK, aged 25 and under.

The competition celebrates the creativity and talent of care experienced children and young people and is a chance to get work published and win some great prizes.

Find out more

Watch the 2021 event

Keep Caring for Under 18’s

10 Sep 21

Coram Voice has joined with other charities and organisations to express concern for the new legal changes brought in by the government that will see 16 and 17 years olds in care expected to live independently.

The new law discriminates on the basis of age as a way of making decisions about where children in care live in England. This will result in an increase in unregulated accommodation, which means children in care live in accommodation that can be unsuitable, puts them at risk of harm and denies them the support they need to transition into adulthood.

We believe that children are children until they turn 18 and support should be consistent throughout their time in care. The state has a responsibility to ensure that all young people in care are provided security and support until they are adults.

Brigid Robinson Managing Director of Coram Voice said “We know from our national advocacy services that many young people in unregulated accommodation are living in accommodation that is completely unsuitable, placing them at risk of exploitation and harm should not happen.

“Children are children until the age of 18 and have a right to support and care.  This should be no different for children in care. They should get the support and care they need to feel safe and thrive.

“By denying children the right to supported care, the government is creating a dangerous and discriminatory situation that could prove incredibly harmful to the lives of children in care now and in the future”.

As a result of theses changes we have signed Article 39’s open letter, along with 54 other organisations, to challenge the law change and we fully support the #KeepCaringto18 campaign.

To get involved: