Coram Voice Welcomes the Launch of the Government’s Review of Social Care

15 Jan 21

Coram Voice today (15 January 2021) welcome the news of the launch of the Governments Review of Social Care to reform the system and improve the lives of children and young people in and leaving care.

We also welcome Josh MacAlister, a former teacher and CEO of social work charity Frontline, who has been appointed to lead the review.

It is crucial that care experienced children and young people’s voices, views and experiences are at the heart of the review. At Coram Voice we have heard from over 13,000 children in care and care leavers through our Bright Spots programme about what would “make life good” for them. This learning provides an unprecedented insight into the views from children and young people themselves

Alongside our Bright Spots work, our programme A National Voice, the ‘National Children in Care Council’ for children in care and care leavers, and our 24 regional care experienced ambassadors, provide a national representative voice of children and young people across England.

Brigid Robinson, Managing Director says of today’s announcement; “We are pleased to see the launch of the Care Review and we congratulate and look forward to working alongside Josh MacAlister.

“The Review of Social Care provides a once in a life time opportunity to radically review the care system to ensure it provides children and young people with the support and care they deserve and need, so they can flourish in adult life.

“We are pleased to see the emphasis on putting the views and experience of care-experienced children and young people at the heart of the review.”

As an organisation, Coram Voice looks forward to contributing to the review so that children and young people’s views and experiences are heard and are at the centre and we grasp the opportunity to ‘level up’ the system so that all care experienced children get the support they need, regardless of where they are.