Always Heard Helpline shortlisted for the ‘Helpline of the Year’ Award!

31 Oct 19

We’re proud to announce that our Always Heard Helpline has been shortlisted for the Helplines Partnership ‘Helpline of the Year’ Award!

The Helplines Partnership have around 350 members in the UK and internationally from large national charities to small local and specialist charities as well as some businesses. There were 68 nominations for Helpline of the Year and only 8 were shortlisted by a panel of independent judges, so it’s a great achievement to be selected!

The winner will be announced on the 6th November at the Partnership’s annual conference and awards ceremony. Whatever the outcome we are delighted to have this recognition of our unique service and the vital work we do with children and young people in and on the edges of care.

Find out more about the Always Heard – The national advocacy helpline and safety net for England

If you are young person seeking an advocate please contact Always Heard now – get an Advocate